Fluvial Geomorphology and Sedimentological Studies
Watercourse systems constantly interact with elements of the surrounding landscape and the character of these systems is influenced by climate, geology, and biological inputs. These environmental inputs conditions are often altered by human effects, which further complicate our ability to assess and manage these systems, as they are constantly in a state of adjustment. Understanding the historical context and characterizing the current condition and stability of watercourse systems, helps to identify the underlying causes of the anticipated challenges of these systems. Momentum Earth develops holistic solutions to protect, manage and rehabilitate watercourse systems. We utilize process-based geomorphic practices and advanced methods for hydraulic and sediment entrainment modelling that allow for the estimation of future conditions and the evaluation of alternative scenarios. This modeling can also inform watercourse designs, bank stabilization measures, in-stream structure design, and a variety of other mitigation and management measures including bio-habitat elements.
Our services include:
Geomorphological inventories and baseline data collection
Watercourse stability and health assessment
Geomorphological and sediment transport monitoring
Erosion threshold analysis
In-stream hydraulic structure modelling
Watercourse Hazard Delineation
Watercourse systems are dynamic landscape features that provide a wide range of ecosystem services to benefit our communities. However, these landscapes can also be susceptible to flood and erosion damages. The delineation of erosion hazard lands associated with watercourse systems is an integral component of the planning and development process but is also an important step in protecting these systems and the public. Momentum Earth provides technical assessments to inform an understanding of the potential extent of erosion hazards that affect existing and proposed infrastructure or environmentally sensitive areas.
Our services include:
100–year erosion limit and erosion setbacks
Meander belt width assessments
Infrastructure risk assessments
Scour analysis
Watercourse and Habitat Restoration
Momentum Earth specializes in innovative and customized design solutions for watercourse and wetland restoration projects. The restoration and recovery of watercourse and associated wetland systems requires a good understanding of these complex habitats. This includes the integration of aquatic and terrestrial biology, an understanding of surface and subsurface hydrology, geomorphology, and sediment transport to replicate functional and resilient natural processes. We have the experience to manage restoration projects from conceptual design through to implementation, and post-construction monitoring.
Our services include:
Naturalized channel design and corridor restoration
Aquatic and wetland habitat restoration
Bioengineering solutions
Regulatory permitting
Construction inspection
Effectiveness and compliance monitoring
Project Management and Consultation
Project success begins with strong project management, of which communication, collaboration, and coordination of resources, people and ideas is paramount. Momentum Earth has extensive experience in the management of small to large-scale projects of various complexities. Momentum Earth also has proven experience securing environmental approvals and has a solid reputation for working effectively with federal, provincial and local regulatory agencies on behalf of clients to deliver results.
Our services include:
Agency consultation and regulatory permitting
First Nations engagement
Strategic planning
Peer review and expert testimony
Research and Training
Momentum Earth is committed to advancing the state of watercourse systems science through collaborative research with academic institutions and others within Canada. We provide professional expertise in the development of research projects and applied guidelines related to geomorphology and watercourse habitat restoration. Momentum Earth recognizes how important the transfer of knowledge is to advance the practice and support of future leaders within the industry. We also provide formal and informal training to government agencies, municipalities, and the private sector on request.
Our services related to watercourse assessment, management and design include:
Applied research
Training and outreach
Policy and technical guidelines